Drug Abuse Signs

Drug Abuse or Addition Which Is It?There is a difference between drug abuse or addiction. The difference isn’t that great, but it’s important to understand when a person goes from abusing drugs to being addicted to drugs.What is drug abuse; what are Drug Abuse Signs?The easiest way of defining drug abuse is observing that a…

Submit Comment for Kids Need Parents To Be Parents

    Get Help Now!     800.815.3910    Available 24/7    The road to recovery starts here! Trusted, confidential help available 24/7. Speak with an addiction treatment specialist anytime. Please call us now at 800-815-3910! Post Your Comment For: Kids Need Parents To Be Parents Your Name (optional) Comment Title Your Comments (10000 characters max,…

Addiction Symptoms

What Are Addiction Symptoms? Signs and symptomsSometimes the most obvious Addiction symptoms are simply observing that something is wrong or different. Understand that the one addicted is most often the last one to know there is a problem, or be willing admit that there may be a problem. Addicts will say they can handle it,…

I have fallen in love with a girl who is an addict and I don’t know what to do now?

    Get Help Now!     800.815.3910    Available 24/7    The road to recovery starts here! Trusted, confidential help available 24/7. Speak with an addiction treatment specialist anytime. Please call us now at 800-815-3910! I have fallen in love with a girl who is an addict and I don’t know what to do now?…

Need to end my methamphetamine addiction?

    Get Help Now!     800.815.3910    Available 24/7    The road to recovery starts here! Trusted, confidential help available 24/7. Speak with an addiction treatment specialist anytime. Please call us now at 800-815-3910! Need to end my methamphetamine addiction? by Kerry Am suffering from methamphetamine addiction, I hate my recent actions, I need…