Addiction programs for inmates being released?

    Get Help Now!     800.815.3910    Available 24/7    The road to recovery starts here! Trusted, confidential help available 24/7. Speak with an addiction treatment specialist anytime. Please call us now at 800-815-3910! Addiction programs for inmates being released? by Debbie (Palmetto, FL) I am the discharge planner at the Manatee Co. jail….

Submit Comment for Mass Media and the Power of Televised Addiction

    Get Help Now!     800.815.3910    Available 24/7    The road to recovery starts here! Trusted, confidential help available 24/7. Speak with an addiction treatment specialist anytime. Please call us now at 800-815-3910! Post Your Comment For: Mass Media and the Power of Televised Addiction Your Name (optional) Comment Title Your Comments (10000…

Depression Treatment

Depression Treatment One thing can lead to another. In the case of Depression, the presence of depression/sadness could have come before the addiction, or come as a result of the addiction. Whatever the case, Depression Treatment: Depression and alcoholism/addiction are often found together. That’s why good rehab centers must be able to treat both problems….

Meth Rehab

Meth RehabBy Ned Wicker Kelly’s story is pretty typical of a meth user, read it and you will begin to see why using meth is so terrible and also about the best way to find a good rehab program.Kelly’s Story: Zombie Walking Kelly’s mother could hardly control her emotions when trying to describe what years…